Number Between Computer Game
The purpose of this game is to develop the skill of ordering decimal numbers; to make the connections between decimals and integers (often studied separately); to show the relative positions of numbers on a number line; to develop intuition about the density of the number line; and, to improve number sense by allowing students to concentrate on notation rather than operations.

The game can be played by individuals, pairs or with a whole class and teacher discussion. Two decimal numbers are presented on a numberline e.g. 3.1 and 3.2. Students have to type in a number which is between them. For example: Type a number between 3.1 and 3.2. If they do this correctly, for example by typing 3.16, they are asked for a number in a smaller interval, for example between 3.16 and 3.2. Each correct answer is shown accurately positioned on the number line before the new segment is presented.

The player gets points for each correct answer. Each correct answer creates a new and smaller interval for the game. To do this repeatedly requires a good level of understanding of decimal notation, although a small element of luck can help! Good games for learning mathematics nearly always combine luck and skill.

The screen above shows a game where the endpoints of the line segment are 0 and 1. The player has made two incorrect guesses and has been told that both 2 and 4 are 'Too Large'. As a result, help has been provided in the form of a numberline. A third attempt of 0.6 would be accepted and would be positioned on the number line before the new segment is drawn. Students will have difficulty when they are forced into using a smaller column than they are comfortable with. For example, a child familiar with tenths will be able to play a few games before being forced to move to hundredths (with the endpoints are say 0.3 and 0.4).The student wins the game if they are able to do this eight times, getting into smaller and smaller segments and hence longer decimals.

The Case Studies contain transcripts of children playing this game.

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