Stickers Game
  • To order sets of numbers including decimals and others.
  • To connect whole numbers and decimals.
  • To reveal difficulties in understanding place value.
Year level:  Year 3 to 8 (depending on the numbers chosen)
Group size: Up to whole class.
Equipment:  One sticker per child with a number written on each.
Time: 5 - 10 minutes (warm up activity)

Activity Instructions:
1. Before class, write a number on each sticker, appropriate to the year level. This game format is very flexible and can be adjusted to most years.

2. Consider using whole numbers (positive integers) of varying length (e.g. 53879, 2003689), decimals of varying length (e.g. 34.8, 0.007, 4.79883) as well as combinations (e.g. 45630.000056). Include zero (0) in the list and 'unnecessary' zeros (e.g. 054 and 3.200). Make the decimal points large so that they are easily read at a distance.

Make sure the set you use includes some good pairs to discuss. For example:

  • 0.2 and 0.200 (equal numbers but look different)
  • 0.12345687 (not very big, even though it is long) and 0.9 (bigger even though it is short)
  • 0, 0.00 and 0.6 (some students think 0 is a whole number, so greater than "decimals")

3. Place stickers on students' foreheads. Tell them to arrange themselves in a line (smallest on the left, largest on the right) across the room, without speaking to each other. Students should not see their own sticker.

4. Stop the activity when interest lags (don't expect the correct solution).

5. Discuss.

This activity can expose students to numbers that they may not often encounter, yet should be able to deal with conceptually. It may not be a 'stand-alone' activity, but may be used as an introduction to further activities if required.

Include negative numbers (-2, -5, -35.6) and mixed numbers (2 1/3). For older students, include surds and special numbers such as pi/2.