How to help Ricardo
RicardoGeneral Principles:
Use targeted examples so Ricardo realizes that he has something to learn!
Teach underlying place value principles with concrete models (e.g. LAB).
Often use decimals of various lengths in the one situation.
Conduct class or group discussions on this and other misconceptions.
Provide opportunities for Ricardo to use his new understandings.

What does Ricardo need to learn?
Ricardo has a good knowledge of place value names, but has difficulty coordinating the size of the numerator and denominator of a fraction. He understands, for example, that 0.2 =2 tenths and that 0.36= 36 hundredths and knows that tenths are larger than hundredths. He wrongly concludes that 0.2 is greater than 0.36 because he thinks only about the size of the parts (the tenths or hundredths) and cannot simultaneously consider how many parts there are. This is why we call him a "denominator-focussed" thinker.

Ricardo probably has difficulty with fractions as well. Peled and Shahbari (2003) found that 78% of the denominator focussed students in their study were unable to correctly compare common fractions. Ricardo needs help to coordinate the influence of the numerator and denominator for fractions. This is associated with the ability to unitise and reunitise. See decimal-fraction link for more information.

Make sure that Ricardo is faced with problems that he will get right and problems that he will get wrong. For example, he incorrectly thinks 0.36 < 0.2 but correctly chooses 0.12 < 0.4. It is important that he understands that his basic interpretation of the numbers is faulty - he is NOT just making careless mistakes.

Ricardo needs to see decimals in many equivalent forms, using expanded notation e.g. to see 0.36 as 36 hundredths and also as 3 tenths and 6 hundredths. See here for more information.

Lesson Ideas:

Marking Homework

Use Ricardo's homework in your class for stimulating discussion which may demonstrate to some denominator-focussed thinkers in your class what is wrong with their thinking. (More info on this activity)


This is our model of choice for teaching all the fundamental principles about decimals, but MAB or area cards could be used instead. For Ricardo, make numbers such as 2 tenths and 36 hundredths to show that many hundredths together can be bigger than tenths etc. Also emphasise that 36 hundredths is equal to 3 tenths plus 6 hundredths.

Number Expander

A visual aid way of demonstrating
0.36 = 3 tenths + 6 hundredths. When Ricardo can switch between these equivalent forms, he can easily deduce that 0.36 is bigger than 2 tenths.

Number Between

Marking numbers on number lines emphasizes that 0.36 is between 0.3 and 0.4. Number Between is a useful game to reinforce this idea and to create discussion.