fractions decimals negative numbers
percent, ratio and rates

Operations Revision Quiz

This is a short revision quiz. There are many other quizzes located at the end of each section, including a mixed operations quiz at the end of the division section.

1. 5.2 + 0.972
2. Round 0.6751 to the nearest hundredth
3. 0.8 x 5
4 0.956 - 0.89
5. 15.35 ÷ 0.5
6. 0.81 ÷ 90
7. 70 x 0.05
8. 5.8 + 9.2 + 11.671
9. Round 0.9172 to the nearest one
10. 11.007 - 7.14

To view the quiz answers, click here.


University of Melbourne