Resources and Networking for Gender Equity
in Early Childhood


Gender in Early Childhood

Arthur, Beecher and Dockett and others (1993) "Programing and Planning in early Childhood Settings" Harcourt Brace 2nd Edition, Sydney, Australia

Alloway, Nola (1995) "Foundation Stones - Construction of Gender in Early Childhood" Curriculum Corporation, Melbourne, Australia

Crook, Sue and Farmer, Betty (1996) "Just Imagine - Creative Play Experiences for chidren under six" TAFE Publications, Melbourne, Australia

Butler, J. (1990) Gender Trouble:Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge

Danby, S (1994, 28th November -1st December). The gendered practices of young children in a preschool classroom. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education, Newcastle.

Davies, B. (1993) Shards of Glass. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

Derman-Sparkes, Louise

Douglas,S. (1995) Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media. New York: Times Books.

Fraser, N. (1989) Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press.

Gherardi, S. (2996). Gendered organsizational cultures: naratives of women travellors in a male world. Gender, Work and Organisation, 3 (4), 187-201

Gilligan, C. (1988). Remapping the moral domain: new images of self in relsationship. In C.Gilligan, J.Ward,&J.M. Taylor (Eds.), Mapping the Moral Domain (pp.3-19). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Harasym, S. (Ed). (1990). The Post-Colonial Critic. New York: Routledge.

Hekman, S. (1991). Reconstituting the subject: feminism, modernism, and postmodernism. Hypatia, 6(2), 44-63

Lloyd, B.,&Duveen, G. (1992). Gender Identities and Education: The Impact of Starting School. Hertfordshire:Harverster Wheatsheaf.

Ramsey,P. (1987). Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World: Multicultural Education for Young Children. New York: Teachers' College Press.

Rothfield, P. (1990). Feminism, subjectivity, and sexual experience. In S.Gunew (Ed.) Feminist Knowledge: Critique and Construct (pp. 121-144). London: Routledge

Secord, P., & Backman, C. (1964). Social Psychology. Melbourne: McGraw Hill

Stanley, L., & Wise, S. (1993). Breaking Out Again: Feminist Ontology and Epistemology. London: Routledge.

Wearing, B (1996). Gender: The Pain and Pleasure of Difference. Melbourne: Longman


Gender and MultiCulturalism

Boutte Dowse, S(1992). Western European Feminism betwen two covers: from Europe and back. Modern Times, May, 18-20

Kalantzis, M. (1988). Ehtnicity meets gender meets class in Australia (Monograph Series 36): Social Literacy.

MacNaughton, G.M.,J. and Parish, K. (1986). Working Together: Guidelines for Good Practice. London: Greater London Council.

Nesbitt, E.(1993) "Gender and Religious Traditions".

Thompson, D. (1993). The integration of young children's literature with multicultural, nonsexist, and global education goals and themes. ED 361 106

Tsolidia, G. (1986). Educating Voula: A Report on Non-English Speaking Background Girls and Education. Victoria. Ministry of Education.

Vandell, K.A.D.,S.(1992). Creating a gender-fair multicultural curriculum. Washington, D.C.:American Association of University Women.


Men and Early Childhood

Biddulph, S. (1999). Interview with Neil Spencer in The Observer Magazine, 29th June pp.15-18.

Casper, V., Cuffaro, H.,Schultz, S.,Silin, J.,&Wickens,E.(1996). Toward a most thorough understanding of the world. Sexual orientation and early childhood education. In Yelland,N.(Ed),Gender in Early Childhood (pp.72-97). London: Routledge

Chapman, R. (1988). The great pretender: variations on the new man theme. In R.Chapman & J. Rutherford (Eds.), Male Order Unwrapping Masculinity.London: Lawrence and Wishart

Clyde, M. (1996). "Men should not be asked to play nursemaid to young children': bias in the Workplace. In Creaser, B.&Dau, E.(Eds), The Anti-Bias Approach in Early Childhood. (pp147-160). Australia: Harper Educational

Cohen, D. (1990). Why there are so few male teachers in the early grades. Teacher Magazine, 2pp.14-15.

Conell, R.W. (1995) "Masculinities"

European Commission Childcare Network (1990). Men as Carers for Children. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.

Farquhar, S-E. (1997). A Few Good Men or a Few Too Many? A Study of Male Teachers. New Zealand: Massey University.

Horan, A. (1991). It is time men hit out at men who hit out. The Sunday Age, 4th August.

Jordon, E. (1995). Fighting boys and fantasy play: the construction of masculinity in the early years of school. Gender and Education, vol.7,no1,pp.69-101

Lingard, B.&Douglas,P.(199). Men Engaging Feminisms: Pro-feminism, Backlashes and Schooling. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Nilan,P(1995).Making up men. Gender and Education, vol 7, no.2,pp.175-189

Powderly, K.&Westerdale,K.(1998). Men in Child Care. Every Child, Volume 4, No.3,p.9.

Ramazanoglu. C. (1992). What can you do with a man? Feminism and the critical appraisal of masculinity. Women's Studies International Forum, vol.15,no.3,pp.339-350.

Seifert,K.(1973). Some problems of men in child care center work. Child Welfare,vol.102,no.3,pp.167-171.

Silin,J.(1995). Sex,Death and the Education of Children: Our Passion for Ignorance in the Age of AIDS. New York: Teachers college Press

Tennyson,P.(no date). Police officer to kindergarten teacher: a career change. In B.Nelson and B.Shephard (eds.) Men in child Care and Early Education: A Handbook for Administrators and Educators. Number 1. Minneapolis, MN: Men in Child Care Project.

Thorne, B.(1986). Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press

Tomasetig, F.(1995). The relationship between power, masculinity, and the gendered self in the early childhood 'profession': How do gendered subjectivities impact on males working in early childhood? Paper presented to the 1st National RANGE Conference, Melbourne


Lesbian and Gay Issues

Children's picture books on gay and lesbian families

Newman, L.and Souz,D(1989). Heather has Two Mummies. Boston:Alyson Publications

Newman,L.and Willhoite, M.(1991). Belinda's Bouquet. Boston: Alyson Publications

Newman,L.and Crocker,R.(1991). Gloria Goes to Gay Pride. Boston: Alyson Publications.

Newman,L.and Hegel,A.(1993). Saturday is Pattyday. Nowich: New Victoria Publishers

Vigna,J.My Two Uncles - details to follow

Valentine,J.(1992). Day they Put a Tax on Rainbows and Other Stories. Boston: Alyson Publications

Valentine,J.(1992). The Duke Who Outlawed Jellybeans. Boston:Alyson Publications

Valentine,J.().Two Moms, The Zark and Me. Boston: Alyson Publications.

Wickens,E.(1994). Anna Day and the O-ring. Boston:Alyson Publications.

Willhoite,M.() Daddy's Wedding. Boston: Alyson Publications

Willhoite, M.(1990). Daddy's Roommate. Boston: Alyson Publications

Willhoite, M.(1990). Uncle What-is-it is Coming to Visit. Boston: Alyson Publications


Legislation and Legal Issues

Equal Opportunities Comission, Victoria (1998) Same Sex Relationships and the Law. EOC, Melbourne. (0392817100)

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. Details on legal issues internationally including a number of publications and a newsletter. E-mail contact

GayLawNet(on-line)-will answer all legal questions in Australia within 24 hours.


Lesbian and Gay Lives

Casagrande,L.(1995). Gays in History Poster. Teaching for Change Network of Educators on the Americas, PO Box 73038, Washington DC,USA,200563038.

Alpert,H.(Ed) (1988). We are Everywhere: Writings By and About Lesbian Parents. California: The Crossing Press.

Hanscombe, G.&Forster,J.(1982). Rocking the Cradle: Lesbian Mothers A Challenge in Family Living. London: Sheba Press

Singer,B.(Ed) (1994). Growing up Gay/Growing up Lesbian: A Literary Anthology. Washington,DC:New Press.


Education and Training Issues

Association of Women Educators (1998). Everyone is Special! A Handbook for Teachers on Sexuality Education. Phone:07 3869 3433 or email:

Besner&Spunging,(1997). Training for Professionals who Work with Gays and Lesbians. Bristol: Taylor and Francis. (E-mail

Eyre,L.(1997). Reforming (Hetero) Sexuality Education, in L.G. Roma & L. Eyre (eds), Dangerous Territories:Struggles for Difference and Equality in Education. New York: Routledge.

Silin, J. (1995) Sex, Death and the Education of Children: Our Passsion for Ignorance in the Age of AIDS. New York: Teachers College Press.

Stewing,J.(1994). Self-censorship and picture books about gay and lesbian families, New Advocate,7(3), 184-192.

Zapulla,C. (1997). Suffering in Silence: Teachers with AIDS and the Moral School Community. New York: Peter Lang Publixhers.

Thinking About and Working with Gay and Lesbian Families

Carter,M. (1993). Supproting the growing identity and self-esteem of children in gay and lesbian families. ED377985.

Corbett,S.(1993). A complicated bias. Young Children, 48(3),pp.29-31.

Flaks,D.(1995). Lesbians choosing motherhood: a comparative study of lesbian and heterosexual parents and their children. Developmental Psychology, 31 (1), pp. 105-114

Patterson,C.(1991). Children of lesbian and gay parents. Child Development, 63(5), pp.1025-1042.

Wickens, E.(1993). Penny's question: I will have a child in my class with two moms - what do you know about this? Young Children. 48(3), pp.25-28.



MacNaughton, G. - Rethinking Gender in Early Childhood Education, Allen & Unwin, Syndey: pp.269 (2000). Paul Chapman, London

Hughes, P.& MacNaughton, G. - Communication in Early Childhood Services: A Practical Guide, RMIT Publications, Melbourne: pp.298 (1999). [MacNaughton-40%, Hughes, 60%].

Fargher,J. & MacNaughton, G. - Working with Young Children: Guidelines for Good Practice, (2nd Edition) RMIT Publications, Melbourne: pp.237 (1998). [MacNaughton - 50%, Faragher, 50%].

MacNaughton, G & Williams, G. - Techniques for Teaching Young Children:Choices in Theory and Practice. Addison Wesley Longman, Melbourne: 350 pp. (1998). [MacNaughton - 70%, Williams, 30%].

MacNaughton, G. - Equal Play, Equal Work: Gender Equity in Early Childhood, Department of Employment and Business and Office of Preschool and Child Care, Melbourne: 120pp. (1993).

Faragher, J. & MacNaughton, G. - Working with Young Children: Guidelines for Good Practice, TAFE Publications Unit, Melbourne: 176 pp. (1990). Reprinted 1992, 1994, 1996. [MacNaugthon - 50%, Faragher, 50%].

MacNaughton, G. - Working Together: Good Practice Guidelines for Day Nurseries, Greater London Council, London: 117 pp. (1986).

Forthcoming Books - IN PRESS

MacNaughton, G. Rolfe, S. & Siraj-Blatchford, I.(Eds) — Researching Early Childhood, Allen & Unwin, Sydney: pp. (Forthcoming 2001).

Chapters in Books

MacNaughton, G. - Good Teacher or Feminist Teacher: Rethinking the Ethics of Teaching in Early Childhood. In J.Jipson and R.Johnson (Eds.). Representation and Resistance in Early Childhood Research, Theory and Practice. New York: Peter Lang Publishers. (2000).

MacNaughton, G. (with Hughes P.) - Take the Money and Run: Toys, Consumerism and Capitalism in Early Childhood Conferences. In L. Soto Diaz (Ed) The Politics of Early Childhood Education. Peter Lang Publishers, New York. (2000).

MacNaughton, G. - Even Pink Tents Have Glass Ceilings: Crossing the Gender Boundaries in Pretend Play. In E.Dau (Ed) Child's Play: Revisiting Play in Early Childhood Settings. Maclennan & Petty, Sydney. (1998).

MacNaughton, G. - Improving Our Gender Equity 'Tools': A Case For Discourse Analysis. in N. Yelland (Ed). Gender in Early Childhood. Routledge, London (1998).

MacNaughton, G. - Talking Gender. In M.Fleer (Ed) Conversations about Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Settings, Australian Early Childhood Association, Canberra. (1996). (pp47-52).

MacNaughton, G. - A Poststructuralist Analysis of Children's Learning. In M.Fleer (Ed.) DAPcentrism: Challenging Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Australian Early Childhood Association, Waton, ACT. (1995). (pp35-54).

MacNaughton, G. - The Gender Factor in Anti-Bias Approaches to Observation. In E.Dau and B.Creaser (Eds.) Anti-Bias Curriculum: An Australian Perspective, Addsion Wesley Longman Sydney. (1995). (pp51-71)


Forthcoming Chapters (in Press)

MacNaughton, G. - Equal Opportunities: Unsettling Myths. In T.David (ed). Advances in Early Childhood Education. London: JAI Press

MacNaughton, G & Hughes, P. - Fractured or Manufactured: Gendered Identity and Culture in the Early Years. In S.Grieshaber and G.Cannella (Eds). Diversity in Early Childhood. New York: Teachers College Press

ManNaughton, G. & Newman, B. - Masculinities and Men in Early Childhood: Reconceptualising our Theory and Our Practice. In E.Dau & B.Creaser (Eds) Anti-bias Curriculum: An Australian Perspective, Addison Wesley Longman, Sydney

MacNauhton, g. Newman, b.,Andrew, Y.,Payne, C, Baird, J.Holdmes, R.,&Dean, S. - Mother goose meets Mardi Gras: Lesbian and Gay Issues in Early Childhood, in E.Dau & B. Creaser (Eds.) Anti-Bias Curriculum: An Australian Perspective, Addison Wesley Longman, Sydney.


Monographs and Reports (1998-2000 only)

MacNaughton, G. - Journeys to Excellence: A Mapped Process for the Implementation of a Quality Assurance System for Australian Family Day Care. Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services. (2000)

MacNaughton, G. - Review of the QIAS Principles from a Postmodern Perspective with Recommended Changes. Report for the Commonwealth Ministerial Advsory Council on Child Care. 31pp. (2000)

MacNaugthon, G. - The Early Childhood Review: Towards a Future Vision. Department of Education, Community and Culutral Development, Tasmania: 50pp. (1999)

MacNaughton, G. & Davis, K. - Structural Issues in Early Childhood Education and Care: A Research Summary. Department of Education, Community and Cultural Development, Tasmania: 12 pp. (1999)

MacNaughton, G. - Saris and Skirts: Gender Equity and Multiculturalism. Canberra: Australian Early Childhood Association. 16pp. (1999)

MacNaughton, G. - Early Childhood Curriculum in Research and in Action, 112pp. (1999)

MacNaughton, G. - Review of the Quality Improvement and Accreditation System - An Analysis of Reflective Practice, Department of Child and Family Services, Canberra: 85pp. (1998)

Articles in Refereed Journals

MacNaughton, G. & Davis, K. Beyond 'othering': Rethinking Approaches to Teaching Young Anglo-Australian Children about Indigenous Australians. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. In press - forthcoming 2001

MacNaughton, G. & Hughes P. Dissensus or Community: The Politics of Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. Vol.1,no.3, 2000.

Hughes,P, &MacNaughton, G. (2000). Identity-formation and popular culture: learning lessons from Barbie. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing

MacNaughton, G.(2000). 'Blushes and birthday parties': telling silences in young children's constructions of 'race'. Journal for Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, Accepted May 2000.

MacNaughton, G.(2000). Silences, sex-roles and subjectivities: 40 years of gender in the Australian Journal of Early Childhood. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 40(4)

Hughes, P. & MacNaughton, G. (1999b). Who's the expert: reconceptualising staff parent relationships in early childhood. Australian Journal of Early Childhood. vol, 24, no.4, pp. 27-32.

MacNaughton, G. - Beyond Tokenism: a research agenda for gender equity in multicultural contexts. Australian Research in Early childhood Education. 6.

MacNaughton, G. - Promoting Gender Equity for Young Children in the South and South East Asian Region. International Journal of Early Years Education. 194), pp. 315-322. (1999)

MacNaughton, G. - Feminist Praxis and the Gaze in the Early Childhood Curriculum. Gender and Education. 9 (3), pp. 317-326. (1997).

MacNaughton, G. - A Strategic Approach to Collaborating with Parents for Gender Equity in Early Childhood. Australian Journal of Early Childhood 22 (1): pp. 23-29. (1997)

MacNaughton, G. - Who's Got the Power? Rethinking Gender Equity Strategies In Early Childhood. International Journal of Early Years Education 5 (1): pp.57-66. (1997).

MacNaughton, G. - Is Barbie to Blame? Rethinking How Childern Learn Gender. Australian Journal of Early Childhood 21 (4): pp. 18-24. (1996)

MacNaughton, G. - Silenced Voices: Learning About Early Childhood Programs In the South East Asian Region. Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 21 (3): pp.33-40). (1996).

MacNaughton, G. - Researching for Quality: A Case For Action Research in Early Childhood Settings. Australian Journal of Early Childhood. 21(2): pp. 29-34. (1996)

MacNaughton, G. - "You can be dad": Gender and Power in Domestic Discourses and Fantasy Play within Early Childhood. Australian Research in Early Childhood Education. 1:pp.93-101. (1994).

MacNaughton, G. and Clyde, M. - Practicum Supervision at the Early Childhood Level: A response to changing political and financial contexts. The Journal of Teaching Practice. 13 (1): pp. 46-63. (1993).

MacNaughton, G. - Gender, Power and Racism: A Case Study of Domestic Play in Early Childhood. Multicultural Teaching. 11 (3): pp. 12-15. (1993).

MacNaughton, G. - Equity Challenges to the Early Childhood Curriculum. Children and Society. 6 (3): pp. 38-51. (1992).

MacNaughton, G. - Constructing a Critical Approach to Asessment in the Early Childhood Practicum. The Journal of Teaching Practice. 11 (2): pp. 35-45. (1992).

MacNaughton, G. and Edwards, M. - Reflections on a Redefined Early Childhood Practicum. South Pacific Journal of Teaching Practice 11 (2): 35-45. (1992).

MacNaughton, G. and Edwards, M. - Reflections on a Redefined Early Childhood Practicum. South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 19 (2): pp. 149-154. (1991).



"It's my Go-Non-Sexist Education for children under 5" TAFE

"Fair Play" Lady Gowrie, Children's Centre, Sydney (Video and Book)


Other Resource Material

Duff, C.S. (1993) "When Women Work Together: Using our Strengths to Overcome Challenge" Berkeley. C.A. Conari Press


Children's Picture Story Books

Hayes, Sarah and Craig, Helen (1990) "Mary, Mary" Walker Books London

Hutchins, Pat (1991) "Tidy Titch" Greenwillow Books, Great Britain

Munsch, R "The Paper Bag Princess"

Prior, Natalie and Denton, Terry "The Paw"

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