Resources and Networking for Gender Equity
in Early Childhood

Professional Development

RANGE offered professional development on a regular basis to early childhood services. Here is a sample of the topics offered:

Muliticulturalism and gender equity
Gender and multiculturalism in early childhood: making the practices meaningful

Sexual diversity and gender equity
Sexuality and early childhood: an anti-bias approach
'Off the Straight and Narrow: Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues in Early Childhood Practice'

Boys and gender
The hard work of rejecting boydom in an early childhood classroom
Superheroes and boys in the early childhood centre

Block play and gender
"It's more than counting heads in block play": Rethinking approaches to gender equity in the early childhood curriculum.

Dramatic play and gender
Playing for power: reflections on equity issues in children’s play.
Power plays: gender and power in children’s storylines.

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