Two major publications were produced from the "Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra" ICMI Study:: the study volume and the conference proceedings.

Study Volume

Stacey, K., Chick, H., Kendal, M. (Eds) (2004) The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study. Kluwer, Dordrecht. (2004, XIV, 373 p., Hardcover ISBN: 1-4020-8130-8, New ICMI Study Series, Vol 8)
DOI 10.1007/1-4020-8131-6

Stacey, K., Chick, H., Kendal, M. (Eds)(2005) The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study. Kluwer, Dordrecht. (2005, XIV, 373 p., e-book, ISBN 1-4020-8131-6, New ICMI Study Series, Vol 8) http//
DOI 10.1007/1-4020-8131-6

Click here for list of chapters

Conference Proceedings

Chick, H., Stacey, K. Vincent, J., & Vincent, J. (Eds.) (2001). The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra, (Proceedings of the 12th ICMI Study Conference). Melbourne: Department of Science and Mathematics Education, The University of Melbourne. ISBN 0-9579673-0-6

The paper copies are now out of print but it is now possible to download the two main volumes in pdf form.Since the original papers were submitted in hard copy these pdf volumes are scanned versions of the original pages and are therefore not searchable, but they print clearly and will give you/students/other colleagues a means by which to access some or all of the conference papers.

The following link will take you to the eprint repository for the two volumes:
Click on the icon comprising a page branching to two pages; this will start downloading Volume 1 and will then allow you access to a link for Volume 2.

List of Chapters


Report of the 12th ICMI Study


  1. Solving the Problem with Algebra
    Kaye Stacey, Helen Chick

  2. The core of algebra: Reflections on its main activities
    Carolyn Kieran

  3. Responses to "The core of Algebra"
    Laurinda Brown, Jean-Philippe Drouhard

  4. The ealy development of algebraic reasoning: The current state of the field
    Romulo Lins, James Kaput

  5. A toolkit for analysing approaches to algebra
    The APPA group, led by Rosamund Sutherland

  6. Research on the role of technological environments in algebra learning and teaching
    Carolyn Kieran, Michal Yerushalmy

  7. Computer algebra systems and algebra: Curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning
    Michael O.J. Thomas, John Monaghan, and Robyn Pierce

  8. The history of algebra in mathematics education
    Luis Puig, Teresa Rojano

  9. Symbols and language
    Jean-Philippe Drouhard, Anne R. Teppo

  10. Teachers’ knowledge and the teaching of algebra
    Helen M. Doerr

  11. The teaching and learning of tertiary algebra
    David Carlson

  12. Goals and the content of an algebra curriculum for the compulsory years of schooling
    Mollie MacGregor

  13. Algebra: A world of difference
    Margaret Kendal, Kaye Stacey

Conference Participants

Index of Authors
