The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra
The University of Melbourne, 10 - 14 December 2001

Presentations from the conference

Discussion document 

International Program Committee and Contacts

The Twelfth ICMI Study

The twelfth ICMI study, on The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra, was held at The University of Melbourne (Australia) in December 2001.

Kaye Stacey was the conference chair, and Helen Chick was the conference secretary. Two major publications were produced and are available: the study volume and the conference proceedings.

photograph of members of the International Program Committee members in Melbourne, January 2000
Members of the IPC at the first planning meeting in Melbourne, January 2000

For information about this page, contact: Kaye Stacey
Contact Email Address:
Department Homepage:
Faculty Homepage:
Last modified: Fri 11 December 2020

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